
DC has recently unveiled the first trailer for their upcoming animated series, Creature Commandos, set to be released in December under the guidance of James Gunn. The show will revolve around a team of non-human villains led by Rick Flag, including characters like The Bride, Dr. Phosphorus, Weasel, G.I. Robot, Nina Mazursky, and Frankenstein. Unlike the Suicide Squad, this team, known as Task Force M, follows Amanda Waller’s orders but is distinctly monster-themed.

While the trailer doesn’t reveal much about the plot, it promises to deliver the humor characteristic of Gunn’s other DC works like The Suicide Squad and Peace Maker. The cast includes Viola Davis reprising her role as Amanda Waller, along with David Harbour, Sean Gunn, and Frank Grillo. Creature Commandos is not the only animated superhero series from DC, as they recently launched Suicide Squad Isekai, a high fantasy adventure featuring Harley Quinn and her companions in a different realm.

This new addition to DC’s animated lineup adds to the excitement surrounding the franchise, offering fans a fresh take on familiar characters and storylines. Stay tuned for more updates on Creature Commandos and other DC projects as they continue to expand their universe on screen. For all the latest news and insights on DC comics and adaptations, keep an eye on our coverage for upcoming releases like The Batman 2.

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