
Maximizing Entertainment: The Importance of Time-Worthy Games in 2022

In the fast-paced world of gaming, where efficiency and optimization are key, there is a growing appreciation for the beauty of time-wasting games that challenge our need for instant gratification. In 2022, players are seeking experiences that go beyond the norm, where getting lost in a city or manually organizing items becomes a source of joy.

The Joy of Wasting Time

Imagine spending ten minutes riding an oxcart from one city to another in a game because the fast travel system is intentionally limited. Or turning off wayfinding settings, quest logs, and minimaps to truly immerse yourself in the intricacies of a virtual world. These moments of inconvenience are becoming increasingly rare in an era where games strive to make everything easily accessible.

While the popular demand is for games to “respect the player’s time,” there is a fine line between efficiency and monotony. A game that is too optimized for time-saving may rob players of the satisfaction of completing menial tasks or navigating landscapes without hand-holding.

Finding Joy in Realism

Games like Outward and Sea of Thieves challenge players to rely on their instincts and observation skills rather than relying on markers and guides. The thrill of navigating by recognizing landmarks or deciphering treasure maps adds a layer of realism that breaks through the monotony of optimized gameplay.

Procedurally generated games like Shadows of Doubt offer players the opportunity to create their own notes and connect clues in a murder mystery, adding a sense of accomplishment beyond the usual quest log entries. NPC schedules in life simulation games provide a nostalgic feeling of tracking characters’ movements and interactions, reminiscent of classic gaming experiences.

Embracing Inconvenience

As AI continues to permeate various aspects of our lives, some players are pushing back against the trend of streamlined experiences. The desire to engage with games that challenge us to think, problem-solve, and embrace a little inconvenience reflects a deeper need for authenticity and immersion in a digital world.

In a gaming landscape where convenience is king, the appeal of time-wasting games lies in their ability to offer a different kind of satisfaction—one that comes from embracing the mundane, getting lost in the details, and relishing the journey rather than the destination. As we look ahead to the future of gaming in 2025, let us hope that developers continue to create experiences that value the art of wasting time.