
Nintendo surprised fans with a mysterious teaser trailer titled “Emio” that hints at an upcoming horror game for the Switch. The 15-second clip features a person wearing a creepy paper bag over their head and raises questions about what kind of game is in store for players.

The teaser was shared on Nintendo’s YouTube channel and sparked a wave of confusion and speculation among fans. The video, which is age-restricted, shows eerie imagery of a person in a trench coat with a Jack-o’-lantern cutout on their bag-covered head. The trailer includes unsettling visuals like a child’s piano playing creepy notes and a person with a missing finger.

Fans took to social media to share their reactions, with some expressing bewilderment and others speculating about the potential storyline of the upcoming game. The cryptic nature of the teaser has led to speculation that Nintendo may be venturing into the horror genre with a new first-party IP.

Interestingly, the timing of the teaser coincided with an interview featuring Polish studio Bloober Team, known for their work on horror games. The studio’s CEO hinted at a project called Project M for “Nintendo platforms,” leading some to believe that Bloober Team could be involved in the development of the mysterious “Emio” game.

Overall, Nintendo’s unexpected teaser has generated a buzz among fans and raised anticipation for what could be a thrilling addition to the Switch’s game library. As players eagerly await more details, the teaser’s enigmatic nature continues to fuel speculation and excitement within the gaming community. Stay tuned for updates on this intriguing new development from Nintendo.