Mario & Luigi: Brothership is the latest addition to the beloved series of RPGs featuring the iconic brothers in red and green. The game introduces a unique gameplay mechanic centered around a telescope that allows players to explore scattered islands in the world of Concordia and connect them to their home vessel, Shipshape.
Despite some thematic inconsistencies and quirky characters like anthropomorphic plug sockets, Brothership excels in its ability to constantly send players to new and exciting locations. The game’s visual style is clean with a hint of cel-shading, creating a vibrant and engaging world for players to explore.
While some islands offer self-contained stories and innovative gameplay elements, others serve as more traditional biomes for puzzles and combat. The addition of Luigi Logic moments adds a layer of charm to the gameplay, allowing players to solve puzzles and engage in unique challenges with both Mario and Luigi.
However, the game does have some drawbacks, such as the stop-start nature of the gameplay and the repetitive combat system. While the combat is still enjoyable and offers some strategic depth, it can become monotonous over time, especially in longer play sessions.
Overall, Mario & Luigi: Brothership may not be the pinnacle of the series, but it still delivers the colorful and inventive experience that fans have come to expect from a Mario & Luigi RPG. With its unique island-hopping mechanic and engaging gameplay elements, Brothership is a worthy addition to the franchise that offers moments of joy and creativity for players of all ages.