Not a long Commute, a more flexible time management and a calm, concentrated working atmosphere: Working in a home office can bring for many Workers benefits. And for employers, too.

According to a study by the Union-affiliated Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, both men and women with additional work to respond to the new freedoms and make the home more Overtime than usual. But one important point is the Commonality of the sexes, to hear: While the women care more for their children, want to make men a career.

According to estimates by the German Institute for economic research (DIW) could work 40 percent of employees in Germany from home, only 12 percent do so at least occasionally.

On the basis of 30,000 Interviews for the socio-economic Panel has working time researcher Yvonne Lott now found significant differences between men and women. “Mothers invest per week of work nearly three hours more in child care if you work in a home office,” she says in the published on Tuesday study.

The women were then cut to 21 hours of childcare a week. In the case of men, with an average of nearly 13 hours of children’s time as well as nothing would change, however, in terms of care, if you worked at home instead of in the office.

fathers made with totally free organisation of working time average 4 hours of Overtime in the week, mothers worked an hour longer, writes Lott. “Flexible Working is rather to the detriment of the employees, and this is especially true for mothers.” Women and men make use of the flexibility, therefore, for various purposes, grounded in a traditional role images and the still unequal distribution of so-called “care work”.

In the Federal Ministry of labour, you will feel confirmed and still want to bring in this year an act for the regulation of home work. “The study underscores that we need for a fair design of the home office in Germany, a reliable legal framework,” said state Secretary Björn Böhning (SPD) on Tuesday.

the proposals of The scholar Lott more to go, however, if you, too, calls for clear rules for the home office. Acquisition and care work would have to be spread more evenly between men and women. You should totally abolish the tax spouse Splitting and the partners months to extend the parents ‘ money, suggests Lott. Also in the Operated had to change a lot of things.
