Facebook is preparing, according to a press release the launch of a crypto-currency. The “Wall Street Journal” (WSJ) reported, citing persons familiar with the issue.

At the heart of the plans to a digital currency that Facebook users not to change in the future only to each other, and for purchases via the social network, but also in the case of transactions on the Internet.

A Facebook spokeswoman did not comment on the report, according to the newspaper, and referred to earlier indications that the group try out a variety of new applications.

so Far, self-established crypto-have currencies like the Bitcoin, even in the face of strong price fluctuations, not as a means of payment in the Internet prevail.

Facebook is working to the information that already for more than a year on the project, the group is investing over a billion dollars in costs. For the development of own payment system, Facebook recruit currently, financial companies and Online retailers. So among other things, the credit card companies Visa and Mastercard and payment processor First Data, had been addressed.

among other things, the possibility of how users in the future should the currency approach will be Discussed. As a variant will be considered to reward about the Viewing of commercials at Facebook, or any other content in the digital currency, or if users on the network purchasing. Similar to how Facebook users can login now with your profile on other websites in the Internet, should be a special Option to you when shopping in the Facebook-crypto currency in the network. The connected retailer, in turn, could use the currency to switch to advertising on Facebook.

A similar project – though in “real currency” and credit card is paid, had Facebook launched in March at his daughter’s Instagram. The “New York Times” had reported in February that Facebook also plan for its Messaging Service WhatsApp is a own crypto-currency.
