"Yandex": Muscovites come out of isolation slowly Parisians and Romans

In “Yandex” studied how quickly rebounding activity in major cities after the easing of restrictive measures, introduced because of the epidemic of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Moscow was in the bottom third of the list of more than 40 cities, the restoration here is not up to 50 percent from 17 February. To view the infographic in full size, click on the image.

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For the calculations of Russian specialists used data from its own services, open source statistics display number of user queries for route planning and information of the company Otonomo. It receives and processes data on road traffic around the world.

the list includes mostly the cities of Europe and America and major cities of South-East Asia appears only in Kuala Lumpur. No data on China, although, given the country’s success in combating the epidemic, see they’d be curious. Unfortunately, most Western services out there simply don’t work.

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according to the diagram, closest to the normal state approached life in Stockholm — where the level of activity may 20, amounted to 88% of the level of the very busy day of Feb-March. The top five entered Minsk, a schedule of which is very different from other cities, sharply “gray” at the weekend — forced to go to work people try to isolate themselves at least these days.

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At the bottom of the ranking of large cities in Latin America, where the numbers of daily growth of the diseased while growing in a similar situation of Indian Mumbaand, apparently, seriously fearing a second wave of the epidemic COVID-19 and therefore is not hurrying to return to normal activity in Madrid.

Text: To.Hi-tech