
Dragon Age fans have been eagerly anticipating the release of The Veilguard, the fourth installment in BioWare’s popular RPG series. The game promises to continue the epic story that began with Dragon Age: Inquisition, and fans are excited to see familiar faces returning to the spotlight. However, one character in particular has fans worried: Varric Tethras.

Varric, the dwarven archer who has been a companion in the past two games, is noticeably absent from the player’s party this time around. After watching a preview of the game’s early hours, fans have begun to speculate that Varric may meet a tragic fate in The Veilguard. This theory is largely based on a scene in the gameplay reveal where Varric confronts Solas, a former ally turned villain. The tense conversation between the two characters, culminating in Solas destroying Varric’s beloved crossbow, Bianca, has fans fearing for Varric’s life.

Adding to fans’ concerns are Varric’s ominous words to the new protagonist, Rook, in which he asks them to “take care of the team” for him. Such a statement implies that Varric may not be expecting to return from his encounter with Solas, leaving fans anxious about his ultimate fate.

While BioWare is known for delivering emotional gut punches through character deaths in its games, fans are particularly attached to Varric and are dreading the possibility of his demise in The Veilguard. The studio has a history of crafting impactful and heartbreaking moments in its games, and if Varric were to meet a tragic end, it would undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on players.

As fans anxiously await the release of The Veilguard, the fate of Varric Tethras remains uncertain. Will he survive his encounter with Solas, or will his story come to a tragic end? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: Dragon Age fans are in for an emotional rollercoaster when the game finally launches.