How it will look Russian digital passport, why the American President is at war with social networks, why drones online store and how need domestic services in the Chinese mobile – main events in the world of technology during the week in the final program ?????.net with Pavel Kushelev.
In this issue:
– Global social network fell out of favor with Donald trump: how Twitter has angered the US President and what will the sharp reaction of the White house?
an Important domestic news: at the end of this year in Moscow will be introduced electronic passports, and in smartphones.
the Two largest player of the Russian Internet market, Mail.Ru and Yandex, said to what time their employees will work remotely. As it turns out – is a long time.
– And another story of domestic origin but with foreign, Chinese paraphernalia. New smartphones on the Russian market, who provided Honor and Xiaomi.
– And now the big news from Amazon, but with the global trends. First – about podcasts.
– And now a turn in a completely different oblast, but also with Amazon in the title role. Drone-dot-no: the fate of the industry, which is not, and it would seem it was about what that of human drivers will not be.
Text: To.Hi-tech