Weekly program ?????.net on may 16, 2020

Why not place cryptoprocta Telegram messenger why China’s largest IT-companies need the cars to get home to billionaire and who have not yet invested in the Russian market food delivery – top news the world of technology in the final program ?????.net with Pavel Kushelev.

In this issue:

– we Begin today with sluggish scandal cryptocurrency platform TON from the Telegram: this week, the news here was loud, but certainly not the last.

– And another recurring scandal and also with the participation of America as the main and aggressive character. Here only we are talking about a real technological cold war between the Nations.

– However, Huawei, as the locomotive of the Chinese high-tech industry is not just going to give up, but rather aggressively invested in the development of new technological markets. This week went in the car industry, however, machines until I release is not going.

– the Head of Nvidia Jen-Hsun Huang, speaking and in accordance with the quarantine fashion, with its own kitchen, introduced A100 – first graphics accelerator, built on a new architecture Ampere.

– now let us turn to the domestic market and two of the fiercest competitors in any field – “Yandex” and Mail.Ru. More precisely, the three already – there is still the “savings Bank” in all friendly and hostile. This time food for conversation will be the food – I mean FoodTech Aichi-catering, online eatery.

– And finally back to global news, and the number in the programme – music, but is executed quite clumsily. Google announced the replacement of its music service Play Music on YouTube Music, putting users before need to move.

Text: To.Hi-tech