Twitter reacted to the decree trump on social networks

confrontation between the US President and his favorite mouthpiece, the Twitter escalates. The latter reacted to the decree of Donald trump on social networks, calling it “reactionary and politically engaged”.

As reported earlier, “to” the head of the White house signed a decree on the regulation of social networks in the United States. It involves the removal of the last sweeping legal immunity that protects against liability from claims for editing content. It is provided by section 230 of the decency act in the telecommunications of 1996 regulating the industry. It ensures that the provider of an interactive computer service, that is, social networks in particular, can not be treated as the publisher or independent source of information provided by a third party.

“they Have a shield, and they can do what they want. More they have this shield will not be”, – commented on his actions trump.

“This Executive order is reactionary and politicized approach to the basic law. Section 230 protects American innovation and freedom of expression, it rests on the Foundation of democratic values. Unilateral attempts to undermine it threatened the future of online speech and Internet freedom”, — said in a Twitter statement.

Not left without attention the initiative of the offended on social networks trump and Facebook. However, there were no charges.

“Facebook is a platform for different views. We believe in the protection of freedom of expression in our services while protecting our community from malicious content, including content that is intended to prevent voters to exercise their right to vote, – reads the statement of the official representative of Facebook Liz Bourgeois. – These rules apply to all. The abolition or limitation of the section 230 will have the opposite effect. This will cause another Bomore, the content restrictions on the Internet, and not to their reduction. Exposing the company to potential liability for what they say billions of people worldwide, it will punish companies that allow controversial statements, and force platforms to censor everything he can to offend anyone”.

Earlier, the head of Facebook mark Zuckerberg more vaguely stated that no social network should not become the “arbiter of truth” and neither Facebook nor Twitter should not take on that responsibility.

the decree of the tramp more like a personal revenge than a fight for freedom of speech. The reason was the actions of the administrators Twitter: previously they have marked one of your tweets scandalous user icon, indicating that the US President was not telling the truth. It was a link to an article that trump was accused of lying. Trump took it as a direct threat to his political ambitions, namely, to plans for re-election for a second term as U.S. President, and promised to take the social network with an iron fist, and if not to close, if they are “suppressing the voices of conservatives.” “I’m sick of it,” said trump.

the Decree affects including the largest players of this market – Twitter, Facebook, Google. While social networks themselves insist that they did not prevent people to speak up, though, and delete or block content that, from the point of view of the administrators, contrary to their rules.