Essential cogs in the legislature, ten political groups have formed in the National Assembly, equaling the record of the previous term. Seven are opposition.

The macronists are a total of 250, with 39 votes of the absolute majority, according to the lists published Wednesday in the Official Journal.


Renaissance (ex-LREM), the Macron line

First force in the Assembly with 172 deputies, the Renaissance group, new name of La République en Marche, takes “the commitment to efficiency”. He claims to “carry a clear project for the country”, that of Emmanuel Macron.

Aurore Bergé is at its head, after Christophe Castaner. Of the 172, four are related: the Minister of Solidarity Damien Abad, the heartthrob of Manuel Valls Stéphane Vojetta, as well as two members of the Radical Party.

To swell its numbers, the deputies of the former small Agir group have also joined Renaissance.

MoDem, Bayrou behind the scenes

The centrist group has 48 elected officials, led by Jean-Paul Mattei, a close friend of the boss of the Modem François Bayrou. He intends to preserve a “balance” between “social solidarity and budgetary wisdom”.

Horizons, Edouard Philippe’s stable

Right wing of the majority, this new group has 30 deputies (including two relatives), who have put Laurent Marcangeli at their head. Former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, who does not sit in the Assembly, is on the initiative.

The group promises to “yield nothing to demagoguery and to those who intend to thrive on political chaos”.

– RIGHT AND EXTREME RIGHT (151 deputies)

RN, Marine Le Pen at the helm

The largest opposition group, the National Rally has 89 elected members (including a related party), a record for the far-right party, which only won eight seats in 2017. Marine Le Pen, presidential finalist , directs it.

He announces a “firm opposition to the policy” of Emmanuel Macron, but also “constructive”, and intends to “prepare the alternation”.

LR and values

The Les Républicains group saw its numbers increase from a hundred elected officials to 62 (including three relatives). It is now chaired by Olivier Marleix, who took over from Damien Abad, who joined the majority.

It will be “an opposition group driven by the sole concern of defending the interests of France and the French people” and undertakes to continue to “bring to life the values ??of the right and the center”.

– LEFT, 4 GROUPS = 1 NUPES (151 deputies)

LFI, in the shadow of Mélenchon

The radical left group refuses “the policy of social mistreatment” of the macronists and has “the general human and ecological interest as its only compass”.

The first left-wing group, it has 75 members and has reappointed Mathilde Panot, who succeeded Jean-Luc Mélenchon in 2021, as its head. The leader of LFI did not stand for re-election.

Extending the electoral alliance Nupes (New Popular, Ecological and Social Union), the rebels form an intergroup, an informal coordination structure, with the socialists, ecologists and communists.

Socialists, special partners

After the sinking of the presidential election, the socialist group managed to obtain 31 deputies, against 28 previously, thanks to the Nupes alliance. But he intends to keep his identity against LFI.

Chaired by Boris Vallaud, the group demands “respect” for the “differences and complementarities” of left-wing partners. It brings together personalities like the number one of the PS Olivier Faure, and Valérie Rabault, who has distanced herself from Nupes.

Ecologists, brand new

With 23 elected, the ecologists managed to form a group. The head of EELV, Julien Bayou, co-chairs it with the deputy for Isère Cyrielle Chatelain. Sandrine Rousseau, Delphine Batho and even Aurélien Taché are members.

The communists doped by the ultramarines

The Communists manage to widen their base by going from 15 to 22 deputies, including 10 from overseas. André Chassaigne was reappointed as its head. It includes in its ranks the former presidential candidate Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCF.


A 10th group was formed, of “republican, free, independent and responsible opposition”, with 16 members.

Baptized “Freedoms, independents, overseas, territories”, it includes in particular elected officials from overseas, Corsican nationalists and centrists. Bertrand Pancher co-chairs it with UDI Christophe Naegelen.

– NON-REGISTERED (9 deputies)

With less speaking time and prerogatives, the unregistered are nine in number. Among them, the sovereignist Nicolas Dupont-Aignan and six leftist deputies hostile to Nupes, grouped in a “pole” around David Habib.

06/29/2022 10:25:09 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2022 AFP