The loser, the delinquent, the son-in-law and now… the driver. As we revealed in Le Point, Sébastien Delogu, driver of Jean-Luc Mélenchon since his election in the 4th constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône in 2017, was invested by La France insoumise (LFI) in the 7th “circo” of the same department. Emboldened by his score in the first round of the presidential election of 21.95%, the Insoumis leader, who dreams of being “elected” Prime Minister, has invested several people from his entourage in the legislative elections. Thus he placed his son-in-law, Gabriel Amard, in the 6th district of the Rhône, historic stronghold of the PS, his communications adviser Sophia Chikirou, to whom he is close, in the 6th district of Paris and his discreet but indispensable ex-director campaigner Manuel Bompard in his circo, the 4th in the Bouches-du-Rhône. Nepotism – “the abuse that a person in power makes of his influence in favor of his family, his friends”, according to the definition of Robert, is nevertheless frequent in the legislative elections and these nominations are not the only manifestations of it. ; far from it.
Same story at La République en Marche, recently renamed Renaissance, according to the wishes of the President of the Republic. The candidate invested by the presidential majority in the 6th of the French abroad – which covers in particular Switzerland and Liechtenstein, is none other than Marc Ferracci, childhood friend and witness of Emmanuel Macron’s marriage. Pierre Cazeneuve, former assistant to the chief of staff of the Head of State and son of LREM MP for Gers Jean-René Cazeneuve, is a candidate in the 7th district of Hauts-de-Seine and Pierre Baudis is running under the banner Together! in the 1st constituency of Haute-Garonne, which was that of his father, Dominique, and his grandfather, two former mayors of Toulouse and deputies for this constituency. Finally, after the failure in 2017 of Christophe Grudler, MEP in the MoDem, in the 1st constituency of the Territory of Belfort, it is his son Thiébaud who is now trying his luck.
The succession is also ensured in the Lassalle family. Julien Lassalle, retired shepherd, presents himself in the 4th circo of the Hautes-Pyrénées in place of his brother Jean Lassalle, outgoing deputy and unsuccessful candidate in the presidential election. It should also be noted that Anthony Leroy, son-in-law of Gilbert Collard (honorary president of Reconquête!), is a candidate in the 2nd circo du Gard. He will cross swords there with Nicolas Meizonnet, outgoing deputy RN and ex-substitute at the Palais-Bourbon of… Gilbert Collard.