Tag: technology
The Ministry of communications has denied the existence of list of free Internet resources
Currently the list is in development
Over 700 organizations participated in the innovation cluster
From the beginning of 2020, the cluster was joined by seven scientific-research and scientific-production enterprises
The development of TV and Telecom industry will be the main theme of CSTB.Telecom&Media’2020
The forum will be attended by the experts pay-TV, Telecom and media industry
Facebook, Google and YouTube have crashed around the world
About it informs portal Downdetector
iHerb appeal the court’s decision about blocking the app store in Russia
In the Russian division of the company confident in its legal position
In Russia, invented the parachute for rescue from high-rise buildings
The parachute allows you to parachute from the height of a standard nine-storey building
Over 500 applications were received for participation in Moscow tourism hackathon
The final event will take place at the Technopolis Moscow in February
Online manual for participants in the renovation program the most popular in the VAO
With a small gap from each other in the lead zyuzino (South-West), Kuzminki (southeastern administrative area) and Perovo (VAO)
Experts have called the most powerful smartphone in the world
The rating was made by the developers of the applications for synthetic tests of the capabilities of mobile devices
FAS has identified a list of programs for pre-selling electronics
To install be widely used FOR domestic