Tag: security
Durov called the Apple iCloud tool for surveillance
Apple refused to encrypted copies of the user devices in the iCloud
The expert advised not to trust the Internet too personal information
A specialist in the field of cyber security explained that the information transmitted in the Internet, no longer belongs to the users
Experts on cyber security called the most popular passwords in the world
The most popular passwords consisted of a simple keyboard shortcuts
German media have estimated the project of the Russian aircraft carrier
The carrier can be equipped with missiles "Dagger" and "Zircon"
A new way of dealing with phone scams offered in Russia
Is the digital certificate with the encryption system assigned to each call operators
Human rights activists call on Google to change the policy of the preset applications...
They believe that it threatens to leak personal data of the owners
Russians warned about the dangers of charging phones in public areas
Crooks can obtain access to personal data of users
The experts noted a twofold increase in the leakage of personal data in 2019
Experts believe that in 2020 the number of thefts will only grow