Arrival of the British startup, founded by former Deputy Minister of communications of Russia and former head Yota Denis Sverdlov, showed a concept all-electric bus. Its prototype looks like a regular urban transport – with four wheels, panoramic Windows and plenty of seats, but interspersed with high-tech solutions.
First of all, the interior of the bus Arrival is equipped with a lot of screens that display information on upcoming stops, writes The Verge. Displays hanging and out, notifying passengers which door preferred to go for landing.
Own touchscreen and the driver – in the spirit of those fitted to Tesla Model 3 and Model y As on electric cars Elon musk, the panels show the details of the route and replace some of the physical controls that are normally located in the cockpit.
When the project is put into production, the company said.
Arrival – a developer of technologies and equipment for electric vehicles was founded in 2015. The number of employees exceeds 800. The headquarters of a startup located in London and development centers in the United States, Russia, the Netherlands, Germany and Israel.
In January of this year the company UPS, which specializiruetsya on Express delivery and logistics that has ordered 10 Arrival of thousands of electric cars. The contract amount is estimated at 400-600 million euros.
Text: News.Hi-tech