
In Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, players are faced with a crucial decision right at the beginning of the game. At a crossroads, a girl is suspended in the air, with ominous voices warning of chaos and ruin if her hand is taken. This choice will determine the story path you embark on – the Canon of Creation if you refuse her hand, or the Canon of Vengeance if you accept it.

The two story paths are standalone and can be played in any order, according to Atlus. Even if you’re new to the game, starting with the Vengeance path is perfectly understandable. The plot points are well-explained, and any confusion is usually clarified within a few hours of gameplay. While Shin Megami Tensei V can sometimes feel vague, this adds to the overall experience.

Choosing the Vengeance path may provide a more engaging first experience for new players due to the introduction of Guest characters. These characters can join your party, each with their own unique skills and abilities that can be useful in various situations. For example, Yoko Hiromine, the girl whose hand you took, can target elemental weaknesses, heal, debuff enemies, and automatically revive demons after battle.

Guest characters offer a helpful support system, especially for players still familiarizing themselves with team-building mechanics. They do not occupy party slots, allowing you to customize your demon roster as needed. Even players who enjoy crafting specific demon combinations for battles may find Guest characters like Yoko beneficial in the early stages of the Vengeance story.

Ultimately, whether you choose the Canon of Creation or the Canon of Vengeance depends on your preferences. Both paths offer unique experiences and gameplay elements that cater to different playstyles. New players seeking a more guided introduction may find the Vengeance path appealing, while those interested in the original story release order can start with the Canon of Creation. Regardless of your decision, Shin Megami Tensei V promises an immersive and captivating journey through its distinct narratives.