
Robert Pattinson, known for his role in the Twilight series, has been chosen by director Bong Joon-ho to star in the upcoming sci-fi movie Mickey 17. The movie revolves around a character who gets cloned multiple times and faces death in outer space. During the filming, Pattinson experimented with different voices for the clones, including impressions of Steve-O and Johnny Knoxville from Jackass. However, Bong Joon-ho advised him to steer away from those voices, describing them as sounding like “nails on a chalkboard.”

In an interview with Empire, Pattinson shared his thoughts on his character, Mickey, and the challenge of differentiating each numbered version of him. He described Mickey as a character with a lack of self-worth who keeps showing up and reporting for duty. The reveal of his character is a mix of deep guilt and survival instincts, with Mickey continuously lowering his expectations.

After discarding the initial voices, Pattinson found inspiration for Mickey 17 and 18 from the animated show Ren & Stimpy. He likened Mickey 17 to Stimpy and Mickey 18 to Ren, drawing parallels between the characters’ voices and personalities. The movie is set to be released on January 31, 2025, giving fans a chance to see Pattinson’s portrayal of the unique character.

For those interested in exploring Pattinson’s inspirations, The Ren & Stimpy Show is currently available for streaming on Paramount+. This behind-the-scenes look at the actor’s creative process provides insight into how he developed the voices for his characters in Mickey 17. Fans can anticipate a fresh and unexpected performance from Pattinson in this upcoming sci-fi film, showcasing his versatility as an actor.

As the release date approaches, viewers can expect to see more promotional material and insights into the making of Mickey 17. The collaboration between Robert Pattinson and Bong Joon-ho promises an exciting and innovative take on the sci-fi genre, offering audiences a captivating and thought-provoking cinematic experience. Stay tuned for updates on the movie and be prepared to witness a truly unique performance from the talented actor.