In the prologue, on a beach at the other end of the world, a young woman is about to kill a man she barely knows with a machete. Obviously, for an American from Seattle, this is not quite the custom. The plot of this thriller will lead us, like her, to consider this option as a logical, even inevitable conclusion. Because the dream vacation in Australia is going to take a… crazy turn. Heather, the young masseuse who has just married a paternizing doctor, father of two teenagers, finds herself with her new family on a private island. They wanted to see koalas, they will find themselves captives of degenerate madmen. And we wriggle like in The Chain – success of this Northern Irishman -, which developed a real devilry: the equivalent of a Ponzi scheme coupled with a “Sophie’s choice”. With Hunted, it’s confirmed: Adrian McKinty, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen anything so mean.
Traqués, by Adrian McKinty, translated from English by Pierre Régnier, Mazarine, 368 pages, €22.
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