
Sonic Galactic: A Fan-Made Sonic Adventure

In an alternate universe where the Sega Saturn thrived, Sonic Team could have potentially created a classic Sonic game for the system. Enter Sonic Galactic, a fan-made project by Starteam that brings this ‘what-if’ scenario to life. This sidescroller game is a nostalgic nod to the series’ 16-bit roots, with a modern twist that sets it apart from traditional Sonic games.

Exploring a New Universe

Starteam’s Sonic Galactic is not just a mere recreation of old Sonic games. It takes inspiration from the early-’90s era, incorporating elements from that time to create a fresh and vibrant experience for players. The game features smoother animations, vibrant scenery, and familiar characters like Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, along with new additions like Fang the Sniper and Tunnel the Mole.

Dive into the Demo

The newly released demo of Sonic Galactic offers players a glimpse into this imaginative universe. With five playable characters, each with unique abilities and gameplay styles, the demo provides a taste of what could have been if Sonic had graced the Sega Saturn. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the series or a newcomer looking to experience the magic of Sonic, this fan-made game is worth checking out.

Get Your Hands on Sonic Galactic

For those eager to dive into the world of Sonic Galactic, the demo is now available for free download on the game’s official site. With a compact size of just 238MB, it’s a quick and easy way to satisfy your craving for all things Sonic. So, if you’ve recently watched the Sonic the Hedgehog movie and are yearning for more Sonic adventures, look no further than Sonic Galactic for an exciting gaming experience.