Payday 3 faced challenges when it launched in September 2023, with players encountering broken servers, matchmaking issues, bugs, and performance issues. However, the developers at Starbreeze have been working hard to address these issues through updates and fixes, enhancing network play, and adding new content.

Despite these improvements, one major complaint from players has been the game’s online-only requirement and the lack of a true solo mode for those who prefer to play alone. In response to player feedback, the upcoming Payday 3 update on June 27 will introduce an offline solo mode. However, there is a catch – players will still need to be connected to the game’s servers to access this mode and save their progress.

According to Almir Listo, the game’s global brand manager, this offline solo mode is being introduced as a beta to test its functionality. While playing in this mode, certain elements that were previously handled on the game’s servers will now be processed locally on the player’s PC. This may impact the game’s performance, but Listo assures players that the beta mode is functional and progression can be earned as long as they reconnect to the online servers before exiting the game.

It’s important to note that Starbreeze does not consider this upcoming feature to be a complete offline mode. Listo emphasizes that this is a stepping stone towards a full offline mode in the future, as the team continues to work on enhancing the player experience. While it may not be the ideal solution for players who prefer true offline gameplay, it’s a step in the right direction.

Ultimately, the introduction of an offline solo mode, albeit with online access requirements, shows that the developers are listening to player feedback and are committed to improving the game. With further updates and enhancements planned for the future, there is hope that Payday 3 will eventually offer a fully playable offline experience. In the meantime, players can look forward to the upcoming update and the opportunity to test out this new feature.