
Nintendo’s latest Direct showcase in June brought some exciting news for gaming enthusiasts. One of the biggest highlights was the announcement of Echoes of Wisdom, a new Zelda game where players get to control the princess herself. Additionally, fans can look forward to a new Mario & Luigi RPG and the highly anticipated Metroid Prime 4.

While the Direct may not have covered everything fans were hoping for, it still showcased some impressive games coming to Nintendo’s hybrid console. Along with Metroid Prime 4, there were other exciting reveals that left gamers eager for more.

In other news, the European Union introduced new rules aimed at preventing tech giants like Apple and Google from blocking third-party companies from running their own in-app item stores. This change could potentially allow games like Fortnite to make a comeback on mobile platforms without having to use Apple or Google’s stores.

Sony’s PlayStation Portal, a Remote Play handheld for the PlayStation 5, is receiving new features through a firmware update, enhancing the gaming experience for users. The update is expected to further improve the functionality of the handheld device.

Healer mains in Final Fantasy 14 have expressed discontent over the perceived simplification and devaluation of their job in the game. In response, some healers have decided to go on strike to make their concerns known to Square Enix, the game developer.

Nintendo surprised fans with the announcement of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, a new mainline Zelda game where players take on the role of the princess. This exciting adventure is set to be released on September 16, offering a fresh perspective on the iconic series.

Ubisoft accidentally revealed the release date and title of a new remaster of Beyond Good & Evil before quickly deleting the tweet. Despite the mishap, fans are eagerly anticipating the remastered version of the beloved game.

In the tech world, Nvidia has seen significant growth due to the booming business of artificial intelligence. However, not all AI applications have been successful, as demonstrated by McDonald’s decision to abandon an experiment involving AI-generated menu items.

Capcom announced the porting of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 and other Marvel arcade games to modern consoles, excluding Xbox platforms. This exclusion has raised concerns among Xbox fans, highlighting a potential trend in game releases.

Overall, Nintendo’s June Direct and the week’s other gaming news have generated excitement and anticipation among gamers, setting the stage for some thrilling gaming experiences in the near future.