
Neva is a new platform-adventure game from Nomada Studio that follows the story of a wolf pup named Neva and its surrogate parent, Alba. The game, which serves as the studio’s second title after the critically acclaimed Gris, features stunning visuals and challenging platforming puzzles. However, Neva falls short in delivering a unique narrative and gameplay experience, often relying on familiar themes and creative choices.

As players embark on a journey through a beautiful forest plagued by a nature-killing threat, they will guide Neva’s growth from a small pup to a colossal wolf. The game’s visuals, reminiscent of a hand-drawn film, showcase a vibrant color palette that evolves with the changing seasons. The platforming elements in Neva, including running, jumping, and combat, offer an engaging gameplay experience, although the combat mechanics may not be as satisfying as expected.

One of the highlights of Neva is its unique approach to platforming challenges, such as navigating invisible platforms through reflections and changing perspectives. However, these innovative gameplay mechanics are often short-lived, leaving players wanting more. The game’s focus on the relationship between Alba and Neva initially feels meaningful but loses its impact as the story progresses, failing to establish a true partnership between the characters.

Despite its potential as an environmentalist narrative, Neva’s themes of life and loss feel underdeveloped and overshadowed by its predecessor, Gris. The inclusion of combat as a thematic element falls short of delivering a meaningful message, serving more as a distraction than a compelling gameplay feature. The game’s final narrative twist further detracts from its original themes, leaving players with a sense of unfulfilled potential.

In conclusion, Neva offers a visually stunning and challenging gameplay experience but falls short in delivering a unique and meaningful narrative. While fans of Gris may find comfort in the familiar platforming mechanics, Neva struggles to carve out its own identity and deliver on its promising premise. Ultimately, Neva’s shortcomings prevent it from reaching the same heights as its predecessor, leaving players with a sense of missed opportunity.