Netflix’s animated series, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, has been renewed for a second season, much to the delight of fans. The show, based on the popular video game series, will see Lara teaming up with her old friend Sam Nishimura for a new adventure in the upcoming season.
While the debut season received mixed reviews, it seems to have garnered enough interest and viewership to warrant a second installment. The addition of Sam Nishimura to the storyline is a welcome development for fans who missed her presence in the first season. Sam’s character was introduced in the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot game and will now play a significant role in the animated series.
Netflix’s announcement of the renewal was met with excitement on social media, with fans eagerly anticipating the return of Lara Croft. The streaming service has not revealed a release date for the second season yet, so viewers will have to wait patiently for more details.
In the meantime, fans can look forward to more exploration of Lara’s character, including her struggles with PTSD, as mentioned by Tomb Raider 2013 writer Rhianna Pratchett. The series aims to delve into areas of Lara’s life that were previously unexplored in the video games, adding depth and complexity to her character.
As we await the return of Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, let’s celebrate the success of the show and the promise of more adventures to come. Stay tuned for updates on the release date and plot details of the highly-anticipated second season. With Lara and Sam teaming up, viewers can expect an action-packed and thrilling new chapter in the Tomb Raider saga.