Many people have been wondering when the animated Dota 2 spinoff Dota Dragon’s Blood characters would be able to make their way into Dota 2. Marci was announced as the next hero in Valve’s MOBA at The International 2021. Today’s trailer featured both 2D animation in show style and a transition to Marci’s 3D model.

Marci is Mirana’s companion, and she rarely speaks. She is happy to communicate using signs. Marci initially appears to be a kind friend. However, her hidden strength and prowess in unarmed combat are revealed. In the anime, Marci’s incredible strength is both a joke and a deadly serious.

Marci is not the first person to think Marci was added. Fymryn, a teleporting Elf, is more prominent and better suited for the role of a moba heroine. Marci is a fan favorite, and it is unlikely that anyone will be disappointed.

Although Marci is not yet certain of her abilities, the trailer suggests that Marci will “join the fight this fall.”

Some players speculate that Marci’s power and the trailer of her fighting the Jungle monster will lead to Marci being a hard-carrier in the game. She’d be the first hard carry in quite some time. My memory might be failing me but I do remember Arc Warden from 2015.

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