Emmanuel Macron claims to see in his opponents Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen “a project of disorder and submission” to Russia, and hopes that in the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, the French will choose a ” stable and serious majority”.
“I see in the project of Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Madame Le Pen a project of disorder and submission. They explain that we must get out of our alliances, of Europe, and build strategic alliances with Russia. C is submission to Russia”, asserts the President of the Republic, in an interview with several regional dailies, broadcast Friday evening.
According to the head of state, the program of the new union of the left (Nupes) forged by Mr. Mélenchon uses “20 times the word taxation and 30 times the word prohibition”. “Is this a freedom project? Isn’t that going to drive people crazy?” he wonders.
“I hope that, in the continuity of the presidential election, the French will choose solidity: a stable and serious majority to protect them in the face of crises and to act for the future”, adds the president.
While Jean-Luc Mélenchon wishes to become “Prime Minister” if the Nupes obtains the majority in the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron affirms: “It is rare to win an election in which one does not present himself. The president chooses the person he appoints Prime Minister looking at Parliament. No political party can impose a name on the President.”
On the institutions, Emmanuel Macron specifies that he will set up the cross-party commission “as of this fall”, and that he wishes to “launch (the) reform” of proportional representation “in the fall” to “have the conclusions from 2023 “.
“We must restore vitality to our democratic debate”, underlines the president, who sees a “paradox in our societies, where the will to express themselves is very strong but with a disaffection for the elections”, while abstention progressed in the last polls.
03/06/2022 20:34:49 – Paris (AFP) – © 2022 AFP