Upheaval within the LR family. Tuesday, June 21, the president of the Republicans, Christian Jacob, who had already announced his intention to leave his post after the legislative elections, will resign “in a few days” from the head of the party. On France Inter, the politician confirmed that this departure would take place “at the beginning of July”. Elections to replace him are expected to take place “late October-early November”, he added. The deadline could even run until the end of November, we specify at LR, given the deadlines for collecting sponsorships, submitting applications, campaigning… In the meantime, the party’s statutes provide that “in the event of vacancy of the presidency “the boss of LR “is replaced by the deputy vice-president”, a position currently occupied by the deputy of Doubs Annie Genevard.
Who to succeed him? “I have always considered that Laurent Wauquiez had all the qualities to take over the presidency of the party”, added Christian Jacob on France Inter, listing: “He has the experience of managing large communities, ministerial experience, he has already led the party” from 2017 to 2019… The boss of LR had affirmed on June 3 in Le Parisien that he “considers that Laurent Wauquiez is the one who has the qualities to” succeed him.
Asked about the ambitions of the younger generation, Christian Jacob said: “We also have resources, with a lot of people who have a lot of qualities. Should this young guard take over? “Surely (…) in large part”, assured Monday on France Info the secretary general of LR, Aurélien Pradié, who, at 36, hides his ambitions less and less. “Some of us return to the Assembly reinforced with great legitimacy” and “we do not return to string pearls”, he added, believing that “the Republican right must be rebuilt from top to bottom (…) to become a popular right again”.
“This contribution I will carry with other friends of mine. Maybe it’s time for our elders to understand that they have a chance, it’s also to have a new generation on the right, “he added. But the battle is likely to be heated: “I will defend my ideas and, if they are not represented, I will assume my responsibilities,” MEP François-Xavier Bellamy said on Public Senate on Tuesday.