The deputies officially launch the 16th legislature on Tuesday, with the election from 3 p.m. of the presidency of the National Assembly, before those, in the following days, of the main bodies of the institution, therefore the key finance committee, that the Nupes and the RN are fighting over. The macronists have, unsurprisingly, elected one of their own, Yaël Braun-Pivet, who is the first woman to hold this position, with 242 votes.
The various parliamentary groups, a priori 10 with the new Utiles group, also have until 6 p.m. to officially declare themselves and submit the list of their members to the President of the Assembly, which will finally allow the majority and the the opposition to count themselves.
After her first consultations with the presidents of majority groups, Aurore Bergé (Renaissance), Jean-Paul Mattei (MoDem) and Laurent Marcangeli (Horizons), the Prime Minister enters the tough Tuesday by meeting in turn the leaders of the LR, socialist, communist and ecologist groups in the Assembly. From 9 a.m., she received Olivier Marleix (LR). She will meet with Boris Vallaud at 7 p.m. and Julien Bayou and Cyrielle Chatelain (EELV) at 8 p.m.
According to an Odoxa-Mascaret poll for LCP-AN, Public Senate and the regional press, Emmanuel Macron saw his popularity rating plummet in June, to 38% favorable opinions (-6 points). Elisabeth Borne is credited with 33% positive reviews (-10 points).
“How long and winding is the road to equality between men and women!”, Launches the new President of the National Assembly. Yaël Braun-Pivet evokes several female personalities linked to the lower house of Parliament: Simone Veil and Marielle de Sarnez, in particular. “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. By electing me as your president, you are giving this message new significance today”, declared President Braun-Pivet. On the right to abortion, the new president of the National Assembly poses as a defender of abortion. “My conviction as a woman is that we must collectively ensure that it (the law) remains so forever”, promises Yaël Braun-Pivet. A statement made following the US Supreme Court’s decision last week to reverse the protection of this right.
.@YaelBRAUNPIVET took her place on the perch, and began her first speech as president: “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights.
The president, dean of the National Assembly, José Gonzalez has put an end to the second round of the ballot aimed at designating the next president of the National Assembly. The result is expected around 6:45 p.m.
This is the first time that a woman has held this position. Unsurprisingly, Yaël Braun-Pivet was elected by the deputies president of the National Assembly, this Wednesday. She thus succeeds Richard Ferrand, defeated in the second round of the legislative elections. Yaël Braun-Pivet was elected following the withdrawal of Sébastien Chenu’s candidacy and the non-participation of RN elected officials in the second round. Ephemeral Minister of Overseas and President of the Law Commission at the Palais-Bourbon under the previous legislature, the one who was still a novice in 2017 was elected in the 2nd round by 242 votes, i.e. the absolute majority of the votes cast which was necessary. “Finally! For the first time in its history, the National Assembly will be chaired by a woman,” Mr. Véran had just congratulated her on Twitter, before the official announcement of the result.
Sébastien Chenu, RN deputy who withdrew his candidacy for the presidency of the Assembly, indicated that the members of the National Rally group – 89 elected – are not participating in the second round of the election currently being held in the hemicycle. “From the moment we can’t reach the presidency, we don’t insist,” he argued on LCP. “We counted ourselves, we know what we weigh, and so do the others,” he said. Result, Yaël Braun-Pivet should obtain the absolute majority of the votes at the end of this second ballot. The hypothesis of a third round was strong because of the presence of three large political blocs in the Assembly (Nupes, RN and Together).
Yaël Braun-Pivet, for the presidential majority, Fatiha Keloua Hachi (Nupes), Annie Genevard for the LRs and Nathalie Bassire (Various right) maintain their candidacy for the second round. The representative of the National Rally, Sébastien Chenu, withdrew his candidacy. This new round of voting is still subject to an absolute majority, it must end around 6:15 p.m.
While the Dean of the National Assembly expressed his emotion “of a Frenchman torn from his native land”, in reference to Algeria, MP Sandra Regol (EELV) said she was “stunned”. “For this first session of the 16th term, the Assembly has just applauded the speech of the dean RN on lost French Algeria (…). What a decline”, she wrote.
For this first session of the 16th term, the assembly has just applauded the speech of the dean RN on lost French Algeria. I am dumbfounded. What a decline.
Yaël Braun-Pivet (presidential majority) won 238 votes in the first round of the election for the presidency of the National Assembly. She is thus ahead of the Nupes candidate Fatiha Keloua Hachi (146 votes) and Sébastien Chenu (National Rally) who obtained 90 votes. Then come Annie Genevard for the LRs with 61 votes and Nathalie Bassire (Various right) with 18 votes. No candidate having obtained an absolute majority, the deputies are again called upon to vote for a second round. This is still subject to an absolute majority.
The first round ended in the Hemicycle, where each deputy voted in turn. The sitting is now suspended to proceed with the counting.
It is a little after 4 p.m., the deputies continue to vote in turn to elect the next president of the National Assembly. If a candidate – or a candidate – obtains an absolute majority, then he will be elected. Otherwise, a second round will be organised, always subject to an absolute majority. If the situation repeats itself, a third round is possible. In the latter case, only a simple majority is sufficient. As the presidential coalition does not have an absolute majority, a third round is very likely.
“I wish above all to address to each and every one of you my most sincere congratulations on your election or re-election. At this moment, I have a very special thought for those who preceded me in this priceless honor”, launched the one who presides over the opening session of the new legislature of the National Assembly. “This symbol of unity touches the child of a France from elsewhere, that I am (…) I left there part of my France and many friends”, he said. said, referring to his life in Algeria.
.@Jose_GonzalezFN expresses his emotion in the face of a full hemicycle: “This symbol of unity touches the child of a France from elsewhere, that I am (…) I left a part of my France there and many friends”, referring to his life in Algeria.
For this first public session, the deputies are not seated by political group, as these do not yet “officially” exist. As a result, the 577 elected were placed in alphabetical order. This is how elected officials with radically opposed ideas find themselves side by side: Julien Odoul (RN) and Danièle Obono, Sébastien Chenu and Sophia Chikirou or even Aurore Bergé, patron saint of Macronist deputies, and Ugo Bernalicis.
The placement of deputies, decided in alphabetical order for this first session, gives rise to unexpected neighborhoods: @JulienOdoul and @Deputee_Obono; @sebchenu and @chikirouparis; or even @auroreberge and @Ugobernalicis.>>