Mr. Caspar, you are one of Germany’s pioneers in terms of data protection, also at the European level. How is your impression – was it in the last few years, better or worse?

The answer to a lump sum. There are different companies with different approaches to data protection. Has dominated the last year of the numerous data protection incidents at Facebook. You have to, unfortunately, say: Because it is not better. Even if Mark Zuckerberg is now taking efforts and as a follower of data protection is.

Only a few weeks ago, he said: “The future is private”. Why the change of heart?

This seems to be more of a lip service. Apparently, the water is his company up to the neck, dozens of procedures, because data breaches are on the European level, and still require clarification. Meanwhile, more and more perceived problems to the light of day. Facebook needs to ask itself how it can turn things around tear. The public statements seem to help, lost trust can be regained. If this is to mean anything, action must be taken.

you Expect?

Not really. It is difficult to see that the words with deeds.

How does it look from your perspective at Google?

In the case of Google, the willingness to be cooperative and transparent structures is quite present. The group followed more the approach that the confidence of the users and the competition aspect of privacy to be addressed.

an expert on privacy “, I ask myself constantly, why people get involved it was all” By Christoph Fröhlich

Google stressed, which is now also its efforts in data protection.

Google is just like Facebook in the business with data. This business is extremely lucrative, the group earned billions. With all of the innovations introduced by the company, it is clearly apparent that aspects of the data protection professional will be taken into account in the product development. According to the experience that you had, in particular, in the Wake of the massive privacy problems and debates in the course of Street View, has established a Google new. Since then, a strategy is being pursued, services, initially in Germany and Europe and to introduce the Standards and then worldwide roll out. It is no coincidence that Google is expanding the site in Munich, which deals with technical issues relating to the protection of privacy, more.

you will be dealing mainly with Google and Facebook. The third large Silicon Valley companies is Apple. How would you rate the group?

Tim Cook has repeatedly expressed positively to privacy. He is also in a Situation in which he can. The company earns its money with Hardware and with data. Cook’s criticism of companies such as Facebook, speak for themselves.

Is not only Marketing, in order to delineate or serious?

I think, in the more closed Apple world, there is a greater privacy structure than in companies with business models that directly address the collection of data and the creation of profiles for the advertising market. To stresses

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Cook again and again: “The customers are not the product”.

Apple has its own strategy, which adopts the privacy in the focus of the competitors. Cook stresses that privacy is a fundamental human right. He looks at privacy as one of the most important points of the Modern in addition to the climate protection. Clearly, these are only words. But they are measured in terms of the Act is much more authentic than other people.

Amazon is becoming another major Player in the lucrative Online advertising market.

of Course, is also here – in addition to the marketing of products, – Collecting of information is a Central component. The discussion of the voice assistant, Alexa can detect that it is about as much data as possible. The use of Artificial intelligence will in the future bring even more and better Features. But here is just used technique, the in-depth questions. You have to consider just how much percent of our everyday communication of Alexa’s voice recognition system is understood as the initial word, and how often a device is switched on and conversations, without the user wanted to. Can you keep the customers? Since many questions are still open. We need to be with the digital technology very carefully.

At the end of all of the companies do not collect more data without it is nowadays, if the services are to be comfortable.

The Collecting of data is now part of the normal business models, a data-driven world. We are not fundamentally in question. It is important that in this type of business model is established, which is anchored in the privacy and effective and is so transparent that the user can clearly see and control what happens with his data. And because there are massive variations in the company. Let us look at just how often over alleged privacy violations through a company in the media. Here there are clear differences between Apple and Facebook.

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Apple earns the majority of devices. The group wants to develop in the coming months, but always in the direction of Online services. This is not difficult with the privacy?

of Course, more data are needed than in the sale of Hardware. But we also look at the Online market of newspaper publishers. We see great efforts to track people and to generate with this knowledge about the usage habits of range. Today, apparently, to the business. This is not a Problem, if it’s privacy, so with the consent of the user. It is different, if the rules for the protection of privacy are not respected. Privacy is not addressed, per se, against business models, it is an Argument against business models that are contrary to the legal requirements for the protection of privacy. In the age of data protection basic regulation, which should be a matter of course.

In contrast to Online news sites Google knows where you live, when you go to work, in which Kita you bring every Morning your kids are and with whom you least telefhave operate.

That’s the point. Companies like Google, which operate various services, to accumulate various data and throw you to the user ID, sorted in a Sack. Google has many individual closely-linked services through a vast Surveillance machine. This all happens seemingly on a voluntary basis. Unlike the usually non-registered users to read the online publications, receive services, such as Google or Facebook from logged-in users with comprehensive consent that legitimizes the use of all relevant categories of data. The All-or-Nothing-principle which accompanies the user of an Android device in the world, but to the opposite of voluntary. A violation of the coupling is herein ban? We need a much more modularized consent mechanism, especially in the use of apparent Free services?

talk to an interesting point: You get in return for their data, a lot of comfort.

We should have a lot more responsibility and the autonomy of the user in the foreground. He should be free to decide what data will be used by him to what extent. You have to be placed before the Alternative. The Motto should not “eat or die”, but: “You can now come in here, don’t have to accept everything. But if you want to have certain things don’t accept, you are missing perhaps some of the functions, such as weather forecasts.” The only way you can create the principle of a fair consent basis. The development goes in this direction. There is still a lot of air is upwards.

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How do you assess the privacy expertise of the Germans?

In the circle of European countries, the German is quite as privacy-sensitive. We notice this at the very high number of complaints in this country. Data protection competence is always the optimization is capable of, and often in deficit. The question is, as with all education. In the case of young people, the willingness is higher, the digital everywhere inside go, and try everything out. What’s happening in the Background and where the risks lie, then, is not so important. It also depends very much on the parents house, how pronounced the respective privacy consciousness. In well-educated parents are discussed complex issues related to the risks of the digital world. In education, more distant circles, the children don’t get the usually. Therefore, it is important that data protection is enshrined competence in the framework of the media literacy in the school stronger.

This needs to happen by the policy?

of Course. The education policy needs to course, the privacy is stronger in the education anchor. If in the digital Pact school for a period of 5 years, a total of 5.5 billion euros will be made available, not applicable converted to each student, an amount of 500 Euro. Here, the idea of privacy could then competence promoting support. This will be, I fear, unfortunately, hardly the case. In addition, we need in politics are also more examples of consistent data security policy. Whoever refers publicly to Facebook in a critical position, should operate, no fan page, and in order to ensure that the market is fixed position and data supremacy to a monopoly platform, through the own Do still. A good example of the systematic approach, the EU justice Commissioner V?ra Jourová, who has pulled back from Facebook in this regard. It shows that it goes also differently.

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