In Germany is almost threatened a fifth of the people of poverty or social exclusion. In the year 2017, the proportion was, according to the Federal statistical office, at 19 percent, equivalent to about 15.5 million people. Accordingly, the value is decreased compared to the previous year, in 2016, 16 million people out of poverty and social exclusion (19.7 percent). The survey took place in the framework of the EU-wide study instead of living in Europe (EU-SILC). Across the EU, the proportion of Affected 22.5 percent (2016: 23.5 per cent).
A Person is considered to be of poverty or social exclusion, if at least one of these three criteria is true: your income is below the Poverty line, its budget is affected by severe material deprivation, or if your household has a very low labour force participation.
A person is considered to be at risk of poverty when he has less than 60 percent of the median income of the total population. In 2017, this threshold value was for living Alone in Germany in the case of 1.096 euros net, and for two adults with two children under 14 years of age at 2.302 Euro net a month. In 2017, the 16.1 percent of the population in Germany was concerned, 0.4 percentage points less than in the previous year (EU: 16.9 per cent).
severe material deprivation is when those Affected have too little money to pay bills for rent, mortgage or utility services to adequately heat their homes or to Finance a week-long vacation trip. A total of 3.4 percent of the population, were affected, 0.3 percentage points less than in 2016 (EU: 6.9%).
very low participation of statisticians to understand households where the working age members of the household aged 18 to 59 years, generate less than 20 percent of their annual income through their own work, for example, when three adults-only one Person works at times. That was last year, 8.7 percent of the population, 0.9 percentage points less than in 2016 (EU: 9.3%).
What does this mean for the Affected concrete, there will be a special evaluation of the SILC trial for 2016: Thus, the unemployed in Germany are often too little money to buy food. 30 percent of the unemployed (as many as 837 000 persons) in the year of 2016, difficulties to pay every second day a full meal. In the total population, the share was 7.1 percent. In addition, 18.4 percent had stated that they had lacked the money to heat their home adequately. “The results for the social state of Germany, in the truest sense, a indictment” had said the labour market policy spokeswoman for the Left party parliamentary group, Sabine Zimmermann,. Since the Hartz-IV-reforms to the social security for the acquisition will leave lots of mainly Hartz IV. The politician urged to replace Hartz IV by a sanction-free minimum protection.