
Fallout: London, a fan-created mod for Fallout 4 on PC, has recently received its first major update. This update aims to fix bugs and improve gameplay, with one notable change being the nerfing of deadly fox packs that roam the post-apocalyptic streets of London. Players have been complaining about being attacked and killed by these foxes, so this change will surely be welcomed.

Additionally, the update addresses the issue of high radiation damage when swimming in London’s waters. Previously, players would receive 250 rads per second, which was essentially a death sentence. The update has reduced this to 169 rads per second, making it more manageable for players to explore the watery areas of the game.

The patch notes for this update also include various quest fixes, such as adjustments to character health levels and the addition of quest markers to important locations. These changes aim to improve the overall gaming experience and address issues that players have encountered.

In terms of gameplay and stat tweaks, the update includes adjustments to perks, traits, and afflictions, as well as changes to various items and weapons. For example, foxes have had their base attack damage reduced, and Molotov cocktails now deal less damage with a smaller radius. These tweaks aim to balance the gameplay and make it more enjoyable for players.

Furthermore, the update includes NPC and actor tweaks, such as fixing issues with character transformations and renaming certain items for clarity. Audio and voice tweaks have also been made to enhance the overall immersive experience of the game.

Overall, this update for Fallout: London aims to address player feedback, fix bugs, and improve gameplay mechanics. Players can expect a more balanced and enjoyable gaming experience with these changes implemented. Whether you’re exploring the streets of post-apocalyptic London or taking on quests, this update aims to enhance your gaming experience in the world of Fallout.