Slitterhead, a horror game created by the same team responsible for Silent Hill and Siren series, has caught the attention of the gaming community. The game features possession, body horror, and a city filled with glowing neon lights in the midst of darkness, offering a unique and eerie experience. Despite the studio’s reputation, Slitterhead is considered an indie game, which may explain its somewhat subdued reception.
Upon its release, Slitterhead received “Very Positive” reviews on Steam and gained a decent following. However, like any new game, there were negative reviews criticizing the game for being bland, low-budget, and having awkward controls and combat mechanics. While combat may feel clunky at first, players find it easy to grasp the core elements and defeat the creatures known as Slitterheads.
Positive reviews praise Slitterhead for its unique combat mechanics, world design, and engaging gameplay. Players appreciate the game’s departure from traditional horror tropes and its nostalgic feel reminiscent of PlayStation 2-era gaming. Despite some reviews being overly enthusiastic about the nostalgic aspect, if the game resonates with players in such a way, it’s worth letting others enjoy it as well.
On the flip side, negative reviews point out that the gameplay feels outdated and monotonous, resembling remastered versions of older titles. Some players were hoping for a pure survival horror experience and felt let down by the emphasis on combat in the game.
Slitterhead has the potential to become a hidden gem in the future, attracting a cult following that appreciates its unique qualities. While it may not appeal to everyone, those who are drawn to its distinct style and gameplay mechanics are likely to find it a memorable experience. If you’re unsure about trying Slitterhead, consider the diverse perspectives shared in Steam reviews to make an informed decision.