
A recent patch has been released for the Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree, focusing on balancing the Shadow Realm Blessings. This patch revises the scaling of the Blessings, which are used to enhance the attack and defense of your character and spirit summons by collecting Scadutree Fragments and Revered Spirit Ashes.

The updated scaling system now provides greater effects in the early levels of Blessings, with a more gradual increase as you progress. Additionally, the final level of Blessing enhancements has been slightly increased to help players facing difficulty in the game.

Since the release of the DLC, players have been discussing the challenging nature of the quest and the final boss. This balance update aims to address these concerns and make the gameplay experience more enjoyable for all players.

In addition to the Blessing adjustments, the patch also includes fixes for PC graphics settings. Some players reported performance issues on Steam, prompting the developers to investigate. It was discovered that a bug was automatically enabling ray tracing settings when loading saved data from a previous version of the game. To improve frame rates, players are advised to check their ray tracing settings in the system menu and turn it off if necessary.

Future patches are expected to bring more balance adjustments, bug fixes, and performance updates, including changes to enemy difficulty in NG+. Bandai Namco, the publisher of Elden Ring, had previously suggested that players focus on leveling up their Blessings to overcome challenges, but this new patch offers a more direct solution.

The release of the DLC has reignited interest in Elden Ring, with streamers finding new and creative ways to play the game. From speed runs to unique challenges, players are exploring all aspects of the game to keep the experience fresh and engaging. As more updates and patches are released, the community can look forward to an even more polished and balanced gameplay experience.