
Twitch has announced that they have lifted the ban on Donald Trump’s official channel after over three years. The reason for the ban reversal is Trump’s status as the official Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election. This decision came after the recent Republican convention.

Previously, Trump’s Twitch account was temporarily banned on June 29, 2020, due to hateful conduct. Following the violent riot in DC on January 7, 2021, Twitch made the ban indefinite to prevent Trump from using the platform to incite further violence. However, after more than three years, Twitch has decided to reinstate his account.

The announcement of the reinstatement was first reported by esports journalist Rod “Slasher” Breslau on July 19. Twitch released a statement explaining their decision, stating that they believe there is value in hearing directly from presidential nominees. Despite Trump’s history of sharing hateful rhetoric on the platform, Twitch has decided to give him another chance.

It is important to note that Twitch does not have a specific policy for public figures, meaning that all channels must adhere to the platform’s guidelines. Trump will have to play by the rules to avoid another suspension in the future.

Interestingly, Trump’s Twitch channel still features his old Vice President, Mike Pence, on the homepage. It is unclear when or if Trump will update his channel following his recent survival of an attempted assassination in Pennsylvania.

Overall, Twitch’s decision to reinstate Donald Trump’s account has sparked discussions about free speech, platform moderation, and the role of public figures in online spaces. It remains to be seen how Trump will navigate his presence on the platform moving forward.