After a long journey filled with challenges and cutscenes, players in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail find themselves facing the final boss, Queen Eternal. This epic battle requires teamwork and strategy to overcome and emerge victorious. As you prepare for this encounter, make sure to equip your level-99 Job gear obtained in Tuliyollal and any accessories from dungeons.

During the battle, Queen Eternal will unleash a series of mechanics that players must navigate to survive. Legitimate Force will test your positioning skills, requiring you to move to the safe side of the arena to avoid attacks. Aethertide will create green squares on the floor, and players must dodge these to prevent knockouts.

Coronation will target party members with circular AoEs that must be avoided by moving to safe spots. Virtual Shift will transport the party to a new platform, where players must mitigate damage and heal as needed. Downburst will knock players back, requiring strategic positioning to survive.

As the battle progresses, Queen Eternal will combine these mechanics in challenging ways, testing your coordination and reflexes. Absolute Authority, Queen Eternal’s Limit Break, will unleash a series of rapid-fire raid mechanics that players must navigate to survive. Healers play a crucial role in keeping the party alive during this intense phase.

The final phase of the battle introduces Dynastic Diadem and Royal Banishment, which players must dodge to secure victory. With perseverance and teamwork, players can emerge triumphant and complete the main story of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail. Congratulations on your success in facing Queen Eternal and overcoming the ultimate challenge in this epic expansion.