Crafting Original Songs in The Sims 4: A Guide to Writing Music with Your Sim’s Instrument

If your Sim has a hidden talent for music, writing songs in The Sims 4 can be a great way to showcase their skills and earn some Simoleons. Whether you want to make money from licensing your music or simply enjoy creating songs for your own pleasure, writing songs in the game can be a fun and rewarding experience.

One of the challenges of writing songs in The Sims 4 is that this feature is locked until your Sim reaches a certain skill level. To unlock the ability to write songs, your Sim will need to reach level 8 in their chosen instrument, such as Guitar, Piano, Violin, Pipe Organ (if you have the Vampires pack), or Singing (City Living pack). Once your Sim has reached the required skill level, you can start writing songs by selecting the “Write Song” option on your instrument.

Before starting a songwriting session, it’s important to ensure that your Sim’s needs are taken care of, as songwriting can be a time-consuming process. Make sure your Sim’s needs are at least close to full to avoid any interruptions during the creative process. If your Sim needs to take a break from writing a song, you can resume the song later by finding it in your inventory and selecting the “Resume [Genre]” option.

Once you’ve finished writing a song, you can give it a name and send it out into the world. To license your song and start earning royalties, your Sim will need to reach level 9 in the appropriate skill. You can license your song by selecting the “License Song/Lyrics” option at your Sim’s mailbox and choosing your instrument and song.

If your Sim is more interested in writing lyrics, they can do so by interacting with a microphone at level 8. To write lyrics for instruments like the piano or guitar, your Sim will also need to reach level 3 in the instrument’s skill. Once your Sim has reached the required skill levels, they can start writing lyrics by selecting the “Write Lyrics” option.

After writing a song, your Sim can perform it by interacting with their instrument and selecting “Sing Song.” Your new song will appear under its own category, allowing your Sim to showcase their musical talents to the world. Alternatively, you can simply let your Sim rest and enjoy the fruits of their creative labor.

If you’re eager to write songs but don’t want to spend time practicing your instrument, you can use cheats to quickly boost your Sim’s skill levels. By entering the cheat code “testingcheats true” and then “stats.set_skill_level [skill code] 8” in the console, you can instantly increase your Sim’s skill level in Guitar, Piano, Violin, Pipe Organ, or Singing.

Writing and performing songs in The Sims 4 is a fun way to explore your Sim’s musical talents and add a creative element to your gameplay. Whether you’re looking to make money from licensing your music or simply want to enjoy the process of creating original songs, writing music in The Sims 4 offers a unique and rewarding experience for players of all skill levels.