
Fifa 20 on the Test the biggest new feature is a completely new mode,...

Annually greets in September, shortly after the League-start to the season, the new Fifa from EA. And like every year, is the...

Boderlands 3 in the Test – the true Star of the game are the...

The vibration of the gun helps against Arthritis in the Hand. Spirals form at the end of bullets, pull crown in tangled...

FIFA 20 Demo available: Download, Teams, game modes – you need to know now

regarding the Demo Version of FIFA 20, remains EA its beat, to publish the Demo about two to three weeks prior to...

“Man of Medan” connects cliched characters with deadly consequences

After the surprise hit "Until Dawn" from the year 2015, Supermassive Games, this year, the new Dark-Pictures-Anthology with "Man of Medan". It...

Gamescom opens to the public its doors – hundreds of thousands expected

Game fair, Gamescom, from 21. - 24. August, in Cologne, hundreds of thousands of visitors to Gamescom 2019 erwartetSo you see, the Gamescom live...

Gamescom 2019: game fair attracts hundreds of thousands of Fans to Cologne

Game fair, Gamescom, from 21. - 24. August, in Cologne, gamescom starts on Monday evening (20: 00) with a festive gala, hundreds of thousands...

Gamescom in the Live Stream: you can see the Game show live on the...

The world's biggest computer game trade fair Gamescom starts on Monday evening (20: 00) with a festive Gala. In the case of...

Hollywood Star: “Easy Rider”actor Peter Fonda with 79 years, died

He died on Friday at his home in Los Angeles of lung cancer, informed the family of the actor. The son of...

Tarantino : “1969, in Hollywood, my lost paradise “

Tarantino is his show. Always dressed in black, the imp is known to be a battery electric, but that day it seemed...

Fiat Chrysler, ” seeks suitor “

The automaker Italian-american Fiat Chrysler (FCA) is open to potential "opportunities" of a merger, after the failure of his marriage with his...

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John Gonzalez Returns to Obsidian as Lead Writer

Renowned writer John Gonzalez has made a triumphant return to Obsidian Entertainment, marking his homecoming after a staggering 14 years spent elsewhere in the...