
The Express of April 28, 1969 – San Francisco haunted by the earthquake

"Frisco" trembles in fear waiting for that the earth trembles. A jerk telluric, sinister replica of the great earthquake of 1906,...

In Libya, the offensive of marshal Haftar failed

Tunis Three months after the beginning of its offensive against Tripoli, the marshal Haftar is losing ground and...

Mercosur : the mobilization of the farmers grows

The anger of French farmers do not fall back. On Tuesday, in France, demonstrations were held to denounce the free trade agreement...

Brexit : for having said anything, Boris Johnson in front of the justice

Accused of having lied during the campaign for the Brexit, the conservative Boris Johnson is called in british courts. A twist that...

Pas-de-Calais : the city council of Hesdin in the process of being dissolved

the procedure for The dissolution of the municipal council of Hesdin (Pas-de-Calais)has been launched by the prefecture of Pas-de-Calais, and will...

An egyptologist canadian think to have discovered a new, queen-pharaoh

A discovery novel. The findings of a study conducted by an egyptologist from a canadian university say that two of the...

The motorcycle factory – A Superbike is created:

For decades, the BMW plant Berlin-Spandau is one of the most important international locations in the industry. Here-made two-wheelers are traded worldwide....

The “green jobs” growth in France

Still far from firing on their own growth in terms of jobs, the eco-activities* however, have the wind in their sails. According...

Venezuela : faced with the obstinacy of Nicolas Maduro, Juan Guaido failure of strategy

Caracas In the pediatric hospital of Caracas, the list of children who died from lack of care or...

List Generation.s in the european elections : who are the candidates of Hamon ?

The former candidate of the PS in the presidential present with its movement Generation.s a list in the european elections. This new...