Former first secretary of the Socialist Party Jean-Christophe Cambadélis presented his social-democratic “manifesto” on Monday to “refound a realistic left” against the “trusteeship by the radical left” and Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the New Popular Union ecological and social (Nupes).
For the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, Mr. Cambadélis judged, in a press conference in Paris, that “the dynamic is not there”.
“There is something missing to mobilize the people, a feasible, realistic path, a social-democratic left”, according to him.
Its “manifesto” sets out several principles: the search for a “compromise” to defuse the “crises to come”, the reaffirmation of the “market economy” as the “condition” sine qua non for “producing the maximum wealth compatible with this that nature can give”, a commitment against the “rupture of social equality” via “redistribution”, or even the “strengthening of the European Union”.
Jean-Christophe Cambadélis said he was giving himself a year to write a more precise program.
In the meantime, he called on “all those who believe in a realistic left” to converge and not to stay “everyone in his corner”.
He particularly quoted the president of the Occitanie region Carole Delga, who wants to launch the “states general of the left” at the start of the school year, Stéphane Le Foll, who is organizing a rally on July 16 in Sarthe to “refound”. But also François Hollande or Bernard Cazeneuve, who left the PS to oppose the agreement with La France insoumise.
“The PS must become social democrats or else a new party will have to be created,” warned Mr. Cambadélis.
In his eyes, the current first secretary Olivier Faure operated a “substitute for the refoundation” by making, on the occasion of the agreement creating the Nupes, “contortions on Europe, the economy and the Republic” .
“Mélenchon exists, it’s not a problem for me, I’m not obsessed with him” but, insisted Mr. Cambadélis, “this facade union will explode from the moment there is a social-democratic offer” .
La Nupes is credited with 27 to 28% in the polls, which place it neck and neck with Ensemble! (LREM and its allies).
05/30/2022 13:25:31 – Paris (AFP) – © 2022 AFP