While you’re out exploring the vast wasteland of Appalachia in Fallout 76, you may come across a lot of junk items that you tend to overlook. However, if you’re on the hunt for a specific item like Cloth, you’ll need to pay more attention to what you’re looting. One such item that you might be looking for is Pre-War Money.

Pre-War Money is a somewhat elusive junk item in the game, but it has its uses. It can be scrapped to obtain Cloth, which is essential for crafting Bulk Cloth, Unrefined Gunpowder, and various Atomic Shop Apparel. Gunpowder, in particular, is in high demand as it is used to create ballistic ammunition for your weapons. Additionally, players often seek out Pre-War Money to complete daily and weekly challenges that offer unique rewards such as cosmetics, emotes, and player icons.

If you’re wondering where to find Pre-War Money in Fallout 76, you’ll want to focus your search on places like cash registers, safes, and secure transport containers of Cargobots. Cash registers can be found in locations such as Tyler County Fairgrounds, The Giant Teapot, Wavy Willard’s Water Park, and many others. Safes are more commonly found in residential houses, but you may also come across them in pre-war businesses.

Alternatively, you can participate in community events like Collision Course, Dropped Connection, and Back on the Beat, which often spawn Pre-War Money as loot rewards. These events not only provide you with valuable EXP but also give you the opportunity to stock up on useful items like Pre-War Money.

In the unpredictable world of Fallout 76, it’s always a good idea to have a stash of unscrapped junk items at your C.A.M.P. for when you need them. By exploring different locations and participating in events, you’ll soon discover which areas yield the best loot and where you’re most likely to find Pre-War Money. So, keep your eyes peeled and your scavenging skills sharp as you continue your journey through the wasteland!