Elden Ring has become the ultimate playground for fashion enthusiasts, as players strive to find the perfect look for their characters. A new mod called “Ranni’s Promised Consort Tarnished” allows players to wear the beloved moon witch, Ranni, as a backpack in the game. While she doesn’t offer any special abilities in this position, it’s a fun and quirky way to spice up your gameplay experience.

Installing the mod can be a bit tricky, as some players have reported errors during the process. However, there are helpful tips and instructions in the comments section of the Nexus Mods page to guide you through the installation. It’s always a good idea to exercise caution when downloading files from unknown sources, so make sure to read through the comments carefully before proceeding.

The modder, ApolloHoo, is known for creating unique and quirky mods that alter NPC and enemy models in the game. From turning your horse into the Divine Dragon from Sekiro to transforming Fia’s bed into a weapon, ApolloHoo’s mods add a touch of whimsy to the Elden Ring experience. With the backpack Ranni mod, players can now enjoy the company of their favorite moon witch on their adventures.

It’s exciting to see how modders like ApolloHoo continue to push the boundaries of creativity in Elden Ring. Who knows, maybe backpack Ranni will become the ultimate co-op partner for players looking for a bit of extra fun in the game. As the modding community grows, we can expect to see even more innovative and entertaining mods that enhance the Elden Ring experience for players around the world.