Apple eased App Store rules amid antitrust investigation

Apple has announced important changes to how it will continue to resolve disputes with third-party developers. The creators of the application, which for some reason was denied placement in the App Store, will be able in this case to challenge the application of specific rules of the store. Also developed a procedure that allows to challenge the rule as such.

second, in the case of already deployed in the App Store application company agrees not to delay the publication of updates with bug fixes for programs that the moderators App Store the claim arose.

the changes announced after the scandal around the application of innovative email service Hey. Apple rejected iOS app due to the fact that the developer company Basecamp – did not include the option to buy a subscription through the App Store, selling it only through its website. Apple has indicated that for those who the subscription is not purchased, the program had zero functionality.

the argument of the developers that App Store subscription do not sell and many other major services, the same Slack or Netflix, Apple said, is only allowed applications-oriented corporations as well as the “viewer” mirrored via miracastâ„¢. But those whose audience is individual users and the sold services include something in addition to viewing text, play music or video, must incorporate into the application the ability to buy a subscription (and therefore to give Apple 30% of the App Store revenues).

this week, the conflict was resolved – Hey added in-app demo subscription that allows you to try the service with a randomly generated address within 14 days, and also implemented support for corporate accounts. Apple posted Hey for iOS in the App Store, although the ability to subscribe there and has not appeared.

Obviously, the Corporation decided not to inflate scandal for two reasons – so as not to overshadow this week onlthe ain conference for developers, and not to give a new trump card in the hands of the authorities of the European Union. They last week announced the start of two antitrust investigations against Apple. One of them is associated with possible abuse of monopoly position the App Store as the only platform for distributing applications for iPhone and iPad.

Text: To.Hi-tech