The animated film Le Petit Nicolas – What are we waiting for to be happy?, which tells the story of the creation of the famous schoolboy of children’s literature, won the Cristal for a feature film at the Annecy Festival on Saturday 18 June. Presented out of competition at the Cannes Film Festival in May, this film traces the origin of the birth of Little Nicolas from the pens of its two creators, the designer Jean-Jacques Sempé and the author René Goscinny, respectively dubbed by Laurent Lafitte and Alain Shabat.

Combining personal memories of the co-authors, sparkling or poetic scenes with the schoolboy, the film by Amandine Fredon and Benjamin Massoubre – co-written by Anne Goscinny, René’s daughter – will be released in theaters in October. The jury prize went to Forbidden to dogs and Italians, by Alain Ughetto, which traces the story of his grandparents, who left the family cradle in northern Italy at the beginning of the 20th century to start a new life. in France.

Ten animated films were selected in the main competition of the Annecy Festival, a major event for animated cinema, which was held entirely face-to-face from June 13 to 18, after two years of pandemic. Created in 1960, the event recorded historic attendance figures for this edition: 13,248 accredited festival-goers from 106 countries, an 8% increase compared to 2019, the previous record year.