
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance offers two different versions for purchase: the base game for $59.99 USD or the Digital Deluxe Edition for $69.99 USD. The Digital Deluxe Edition includes two new demon subquests and three DLC packs that increase the appearance rate of rare Mitama enemies.

The added subquests in the Digital Deluxe Edition don’t add much to the gameplay and can be completed in about 30 minutes. The Mitama packs also do not contribute significantly to the gameplay experience. Overall, the Digital Deluxe upgrade mainly exists to make the game easier, although Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance already offers several difficulty options.

The two new subquests included in the Digital Deluxe edition are “Sakura Cinders of the East” and “Holy Will and Profane Dissent.” These quests recommend reaching certain levels before attempting them, but they can be completed at lower levels with proper preparation. Completing these quests allows you to add new bosses to your party, each with unique abilities.

The Mitama DLC packs included in the Digital Deluxe Edition increase the appearance rates of valuable enemies that drop loot. This makes grinding faster in the game, but it can also make the game easier and affect the overall balance.

Ultimately, whether the Digital Deluxe Version is worth the extra cost depends on whether you want all the DLC in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. If you are looking to make the game easier and enjoy additional demons, then the Digital Deluxe Edition may be worth it. However, if you prefer a more challenging experience and are satisfied with the base game, the extra cost may not be justified.

While the additional content in the Digital Deluxe Edition may appeal to fans of the series, it is important to consider how it may impact the overall gameplay experience. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is a highly regarded game that offers entertainment value, but the decision to purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition should be based on personal preferences and gameplay style.