Jordan Bardella, acting president of the National Rally until September, wished Thursday to remain in this post, after the decision of Marine Le Pen to give up “the head” of the party to devote himself to the presidency of the RN group at the National Assembly.
“I think that the path we have taken with Marine Le Pen for a year has borne fruit since we gathered 42% of the votes in the presidential election and obtained 89 deputies” during the legislative elections, indicated Mr. Bardella on France Inter, questioned by a listener about his intentions.
“I will suggest that members continue the path that has been traced for a year now and which, I believe, according to the results has worked rather well”, he added, speaking of “continuity”.
Asked about a possible candidacy of Louis Aliot for the presidency of the RN, the mayor of Perpignan, Mr. Bardella underlined “the mutual respect and friendship between Louis and me”.
“There will be an internal election. If there are several candidates, I will find it healthy for democracy within the movement,” he said.
06/23/2022 10:58:19 – Paris (AFP) – © 2022 AFP