Just three days before the election, an Ifop-Fiducial poll for LCI, published on Thursday, reveals that the left-wing Nupes alliance is half a point ahead of the presidential majority with 26.5% of voting intentions in the first round. legislative elections on Sunday. The projection in seats always gives an advantage to the macronists who would come first with 270 to 305 seats, the absolute majority in the Assembly being 289 seats. The left alliance Nupes (LFI, PS, EELV, PCF) is credited with 180 to 210 seats, ahead of LR (40 to 55 seats) and the RN (15 to 35 seats).
According to this survey carried out on June 8 and 9, the coalition of the presidential majority Ensemble, which brings together LREM, the MoDem, Horizons and Agir, obtains 26% of voting intentions in the first round, one point more compared to the previous study. conducted from 3 to 6 June. Compared to this same study, the Nupes gains 0.5% by rising to 26.5%, LR loses one point and obtains 10% and the RN loses 2 points and obtains 19%.
According to an Elabe survey for BFMTV and L’Express published on Friday, the presidential coalition would gain 2.5 points in one week to 27% of the vote and Nupes 1.5 points to 26.5%. Marine Le Pen’s RN would collect 19.5% (down 2.5 points), far ahead of the 11% for Les Républicains. Voting intentions do not constitute a forecast of the outcome of the vote. They give an indication of the balance of power and dynamics on the day of the survey.
The Ifop-Fiducial survey for LCI was carried out on June 8 and 9 by self-administered online questionnaire on a sample of 1,831 people registered on the electoral lists, representative of the French population aged 18 and over. The margin of error is between 1.0 and 2.2%.