Apple has officially announced the transition to its own processors in the Mac computers and with non-Intel chips. It happened at WWDC that the company this year is conducting in online mode.
Until the early 90s, the company used the Motorola chips, then to PowerPC and then switched to Intel. The new family of chips was named Apple Silicon. According to the head of the company Tim cook, the new processors will provide greater performance with less energy.
Apple Chips have Silicon architecture, the main solutions of the British company ARM. Analogichnye by the type of design used in Apple’s iPhone and iPad, and all Android smartphones. The first Mac with its own processor Apple plans to release by the end of 2020 and to complete the transition to the chip in a couple of years.
Also at the conference, Apple introduced a new version of mobile OSes iOS 14 with widgets and a redesigned home screen. Applications are now sorted by folders, and the user won’t need many screens with icons.
previously, widgets were in a special section that you can pull out the screen and place it in the same form and size in which you want the user. In addition, in the settings you can change email and the browser of default — including for the iPad. IOS also introduces a picture-in-picture. It will help to take my business and respond to messages, in parallel, continuing to watch the video. Users in the course of the conference had time to note that this time Apple has borrowed heavily from Google release OSes Android and Windows maykrosoftovskie.
Another important piece of news: technology partnership, Apple and automakers as part of the application CarPlay. The presentation was shown at the example of a BMW promised that next year a new car the fifth series of the German company can be open without keys, using your iPhone. Moreover, electronic keys can be Perezto alati family, friends or colleagues.
the New firmware AirPods Pro headphone allows you to independently switch between different Apple devices such as the iPhone, the iMac, and to emulate multi channel audio, detecting the orientation of the user’s head in space.
In macOS, major changes were made to the interface, which more and more like mobile OSes iOS. The same notification widgets and the control Center. Now that all Apple devices will run on the new ARM architecture, you can expect a massive flow of mobile applications on the desktop. In fact, in the presentation showed an example with games so that the Mac will run quietly and apps for iPhone and iPad that you can download straight from the regular App Store.
Text: To.Hi-tech