a New social network from Microsoft, who couldn’t make the social network, another service is video conferencing and what it is interesting about Russia’s role in trying to recognize a fake video and now feel the Telegram messenger – the main technological developments over the week in the final program ?????.net with Pavel Kushelev.
In this issue:
– let’s Start with the most amazing and weird news of the week – with a Telegram. Roskomnadzor announced that it removes the requirement of blocking the messenger in Russia.
– Teleconference – so “Yandex” called its own system video calls. In fact, the search engine has joined the ranks of other companies, quickly was out their version of video conferencing on the background isolation and the boom of such services, which is an unquestioned leader Zoom.
– Google launched a new social network, it is difficult to say what is already on the account. It is called Keen and the mechanics and logic, it is actually an analogue version of Pinterest.
– And another announcement too social and too, as it seems at first glance questionable: Twitter has launched a voice tweets. Now posts you can tell a story, to play or to sing.
– Facebook summed up the competition results recognition diphenol. And among the winners were several, shall we say, our children.
the Future actually comes as something very fast and unexpected ways. For example, this summer to travel to Europe may need an application contact treysing – and even with roaming. Kovid-roaming.
Text: To.Hi-tech