?????.net Sberbank may get a controlling stake in Rambler Group

the Bank may obtain a controlling stake in Rambler Group. RBC notes that talk about the redistribution of shares of the holding began against the background of the controversial case against a web service Nginx, the Rambler Group who made claims about human rights. Nginx is one of the most popular and free products on the Internet, a web service that uses 374 million websites. More than a third of the world wide web, use it and large Russian business, and “Yandex” and Mail.Ru and “Vkontakte”. And major Western projects Dropbox, Apple, Netflix.

the Author of Nginx Igor Sysoev worked in the Rambler by the system administrator. The project was initially something of a hobby, but the popularity of the product was overwhelming and Sysoev had to start our own company and deal only with Nginx. And in the spring of 2019 Nginx Inc. was sold for $670 million Americans, despite the fact that the core product has remained free and open source.

she then swung the Rambler, the story caused a huge outcry from Russian and foreign it communities. If this happens in 2019, that is, after Sberbank acquired the Rambler part of the deal was submitted for consideration to the Board of Directors of Rambler Group and approval of the Bank. This did not happen, then you have violated the conditions of the contract. It’s a pretty good reason to demand compensation from the “Rambler”. Experts believe that the agreement between “Rambler” and the savings Bank provides for the cases when the violation of its terms, the share of one partner spills over to another. Now both sides have equal shares, Sberbank and the structure of Alexander Mamut 46.5% of the holding Rambler Group, but according to sources RBC, the share of Mamuta in the company may be reduced to 6.5% to 40%, and the savings Bank will then take over the whole group.

Text: esti.Hi-tech