the Number of subscribers of the official page ??????.Ru in Facebook exceeded 2 million people. News, educational and entertainment publications social media edition ??????.Ru in the world’s largest social network gather numerous likes, reposts, and comments.

the Page publishes the content of TV channels “Russia 24” and “Russia 1”, its own unique content SMM ???????b, news of Russia and the world, live news broadcasts and official events with participation of first persons of the state. Monthly publication see tens of millions of people, and the number of weekly video views is approaching 9.5 million.

More than 800,000 subscribers also has the account ??????.Ru in Instagram, where, among other things, publishes videos taken by journalists VGTRK — both in the traditional short format and an expanded format for the platform IGTV.

a Few months ago, another milestone of popularity was overcome and the office of the TV channel “Russia 24” on YouTube. Official channel reached the bar in 4 million subscribers in February. In January the number of views of videos on it amounted to 211 million; they saw 27 million unique viewers.